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Consultancy And Training Services

Tax Services


 Audit Services

 Corporate Finance


 Consultancy And Training Services

   Management Consultancy

   Corporate Consultancy

   Organization and Reorganization of Business, Finance, Accounting, Management and Cost Accounting Sys

   Internal Control Systems and Organization and Reorganization of Internal Audit Units

   Incentive, R&D, Investment and Loan Consultancy

   Exchange Legislation and Foreign Capital Consultancy

 Accounting and Reporting Services

Provisions of the Law for the Protection of the Value of the Turkish Currency (Ref. No. 1567) and Council of Ministers decisions and Communiqués enacted in respect of this Law constitute the subject of foreign exchange legislation. This service includes the conduction, prosecution and conclusion of legal proceedings before the Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade and Foreign Capital Directorate General in respect of exchange legislation. Moreover, the assessment and settlement of all disputes arising from exchange legislation and foreign capital legislation are a part of this service.

Exchange Legislation and Foreign Capital Consultancy

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